Squander [skwon-der
] - to spend or use (money, time, etc.) extravagantly or wastefully away.  To fail to take advantage of; lose a chance for something worth having.

squan der·er n.           One who squanders

squan der·ing·ly adv.   The manner in which one squanders

Squan der·luck          There’s no such thing.  If you squander your cash, you lose it - forever - and have to go earn it all over again

It’s a fact
:  Unfortunately, many captains tend to squander money away so by the time they finally go ashore, significant earnings are a melted memory of youth. There are plenty excuses… its lonely out there, on the high seas for long periods of time, away from the family, away from friends.  So, like most of us would, it's easy to blow it on toys, fun, and junk, and to live the rest of life regreting foolish endeavors.

Many captains live a unique, professional life making plenty of money, commanding tons of respect, enjoying great perks, paying minimal rent, eating mostly for free, and having really cool toys.  With that, who wouldn’t want to throw their money around some to enjoy the good life, have fun with the ladies and wear an expensive watch?  What’s natural is not necessarily what is best for your long-term net worth, especially if you consider that our productive years are limited, and that most captains who finally end up ashore usually experience a significant reduction or an end to any meaningful earnings.  

It would be wise to make a few simple choices and let us work with you to find affordable investment opportunities in real estate where you can park your money and watch it's value grow - now before it is too late.  Call me.  I care about captains, and I would really like to show you how we can help.